A información que recibimos é que este programa vai dirixido ós estudantes que coñezan os principios para buscar información, analizala e traballar con ela (por exemplo o uso de Scifinder ou outras fontes de información)

We are delighted to announce the 2012 SciFinder Future Leaders in Chemistry program (formerly the SciFinder Academic Exchange Program). One of your Ph.D. students could be among the 15 selected to help shape the future of chemical information.

During an all-expense-paid week at the CAS campus in Columbus, Ohio, August 12-18, SciFinder Future Leaders have the opportunity to interact, share and learn with other accomplished students from around the world.

They will also have the opportunity to visit leading research organizations in Columbus, such as The Ohio State University, Battelle Memorial Institute and TechColumbus. At the end of the week, we will fly them to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to attend the 244th ACS National Meeting & Exposition.

We encourage you and colleagues from your chemistry department to identify students to apply for our third year of this prestigious program. Eligible applicants are current doctoral candidates enrolled in a Ph.D. chemistry program through December 31, 2012.

To apply, students must submit an application by May 4, 2012. Details are available at http://www.cas.org/products/scifindr/futureleaders/index.html.

We look forward to working with the future leaders in chemistry!

Eligible students meet the following criteria:

  • Doctoral candidate currently enrolled in a Ph.D. chemistry program through December 31, 2012.
  • Proficient in the principles of information retrieval, analysis and workflow.
  • Working knowledge of multiple research information tools.

Undergraduate students and post-doctoral researchers are not eligible.


As datas a ter en conta son as seguintes:

May 4

Application Submission Deadline

May 11

Letters of Recommendation Submission Deadline

June 4

Selection Announcement

August 12-18

2012 SciFinder Future Leaders in Columbus, OH

August 19-23

244th ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia, PA

O día 4 de xuño CAS facilitará os nomes dos seleccionados (15 persoas). O premio consiste:

– Viaxe a Columbus, OH (Agosto 12-18), con tódolos gastos pagos.

– Viaxe a Philadelphia, PA para asistir a 244th ACS National Meeting & Exposition (Agosto 19-23), con tódolos gastos pagos.

– 1.000 US Dólares

– Certificado de participación

Para máis información mplanaarrobacas.org